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The DISC style behavior wheel

Your DISC Style

The DISC wheel lets you see your DISC style and how close or far you are from the other behavior styles.  This is especially useful when selling a product or service.

We like to tell our High I sales people to prepare for their worst nightmare, the High C buyer.  If they can sell to the High C, then can sell to anybody!

Where do you think your communication style most closely fits? Then look directly across the wheel and see your most difficult communication challenge, in effect, your DISC Style Nightmare.

Talent Insights: DISC and Driving Forces Assessment

Our comprehensive, personalized report provides a unique DISC behavior profile and motivation evaluation.  You truly get two profile reports in one.

  • General Behavior Characteristics
  • Value to the Organization
  • Communication Tips
  • Ideal Working Environment
  • Natural and Adapted (Work) Style Comparison
  • Keys to Motivating and Managing
  • Style Graphs and Style Wheel

Your report includes an evaluation of your driving forces. This report shows how your driving forces align along 12 values:

  • Intellectual versus Instinctive
  • Resourceful versus Selfless
  • Harmonious versus Objective
  • Altruistic versus Intentional
  • Collaborative versus Commanding
  • Receptive versus Structured

How to Find Your DISC Style

The best way to learn about DISC is to take an assessment.  We provide the DISC profile to our clients as part of our service.  If you are interested in learning more, follow this link to our online appointment calendar.

Here is the universal DISC wheel.  See the various major DISC styles?  Notice the keywords that describe the particular behavior.  Using these key DISC words, profile your best friend.  How similar or different are you two?

You can use this same process when you go to a party.  We don’t recommend whipping out this chart during the party.  That’s a bit weird even for the DISC obsessed High D.

Request a sample DISC report.

About the author

My business coaching and consulting business wraps all my experience into one package. My goals are to help you meet your revenue objectives. If you have a challenge and need an extra pair of hands, give me a call at 727-204-0035.